Monday 7 April 2014

Royal Park, the tying on of Flowers and Ribbons

Thanks to Sue's tireless efforts we have another vigil, with ribbons and flowers. Yes, they have demolished Royal Park School.

After that, turns out it was a local councillors' forum. Am off for a few points of order.
Poor old Javed kept trying to start the meeting, but Sue and then I had a point or two in the Open Forum bit.
My points were about landlordism and that the ex-West Park-users were not all satisfactorily housed, but Debs, that's for another blog.
Meantime here's a few rubbish pics of the ribbons and flowers and a 56 bus.
 Wrong blog, I know, Debs, but why would a country [the UK] and a town [Leeds] knock down a beautiful old Victorian school building at a time when the local schools are bursting and more school capacity is needed? Beats me!
Hope you are enjoying Abu Dhabi still, but right now I am not enjoying Leeds UK.



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