Sunday 3 November 2013

Diane and I went to Peterborough

Diane and I went to conference at Peterborough. [This is the station the Sunday before the gales]

As it happens the last SMA before it merges with ISM. It was ace; they always are; Carole [Lindsay] puts on a good show. Met loads of people we know, talked rubbish about music education till the small hours. Had two mesmerizingly wonderful talks/workshops: Lin Marsh on how our voices work, and Charles from Voces 8.

Saturday evening found me with Christa for our biennial late night drink. It was so complete that I felt we had taken part in an immersive performance.

Next day was Diane's birthday. Right are a small group singing the birthday tune [the day after Lin had described how and why that interval is so tricky]. We also had a demonstration of Chinese instruments and a steel-tongued drum. Here's me, Sue, Diane, Reg, David, Christa.

Then Diane went on to spend the night on a barge on the Thames on the very night that the UK experienced those gales, and she spent the next day wistfully at Kings Cross looking at all the cancelled trains. As it happened, so did Walter.

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