Sunday 18 June 2017

East Steel at Bilton Gala 2017

Stuart assured us that it wouldn't rain this year but we took the gazebos anyway. We were me [Victoria], Bex, Anne, Lynn, Trish, Joyce, Vicky, Sophie, Wanda. Bex was our kit-player.

There were exotic animals and people diving over vans on motorbikes, and off towers in flames into water.

The weather was mostly lovely with a just a couple of drops of rain. And we were the welcome party, greeting the mayday revellers at the entrance, but then they walked past us and into the main body of the show. Don't know which I would prefer: having too many competing sounds, or having less audience.

Only one pix of Bex as she was drumming, and I forgot to ask, so here is a couple of her, one from last year at Bilton, one from Woodlesford.

We introduced Singing the Blues and massacred Locomotion twice.

And after that the Blue Van expired!

So now the question is how Tardis is my Skoda?

East Steel practises at Swarthmore school term-time on Thursdays. Always room for new members.

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