So Kathy heard the Sparrows playing at the West Indian Centre for the Virginia Woolf Conference. And before we knew it we, me, Millie and Chloe, were on the train to Tamworth, all wearing the turquoise.
There was a moment whe
Taxi over to Whitemoor Lakes Activity Centre. Just in time to join in with the dance session. Kathy gave us half her session, wherein we taught The Road is Mine to a small group of teenagers with the RJC dancers playing the melody on glocks. Millie taught herself the tune, Chloe held up red and yellow chord cards.
Then we, as a trio played Rolling in the Deep, dinner time, then M and C hit the road home. I taught Campdown Races t
Next me and the Gang [aka, I think National Steering Committee] carried pans to stage and got a little workshop in return for their wondrous efforts. Hilarious. They were still singing " Harry Doyle" ( which turned wasn't even his name) two hours later. This being the rhythm to a bar.
The Campton Races boys decided to don blue haired wigs and sparkly masks, and played their tune three times. Asked to be called the Blue Haired Brazilians, not Brazilian Boys as that would give away the gender. Sweet. They were massive. Wonderful help as ever from Kathy and the Gang to load the pans back onto the RJC minibus.
Taxi booked for 25 to 9, just had time to see RJC dancers, and thank Sue and Kathy for inviting me.
Polly had attached herself to me, and we flew home together.
RJC dancers |
I had booked my taxi way too early - for safety, but it took no time at all. Finding the platform took forever, never found the lift, then the Leeds trained was delayed "due to disruptive passengers" . I sat on Tamworth Station with the parrot and wrote this blog.
And then there was one - just me (and the parrot). Got back to Leeds v late, hideous queue for taxi in the station, encased self in ipod, and home for midnight and thirty. Braced for Sparrows next day at Leeds Rhinos? Not exactly.
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